Sun Valley Flats
Firewise Site Area
The borders of the Sun Valley Flats Firewise site area will connect Rafael Highlands, Forbes, and Racquet Club Firewise sites. With a goal of covering all of Sun Valley, San Rafael with Firewise recognized sites, we will have cohesive stewardship of our area. There are numerous benefits for our location’s site recognition and massive benefits to the full coverage of recognition for the entire Sun Valley area.
Sun Valley Elementary School is the border for our northwest boundary, with Open Space behind the school to the north meeting Forbes at Sun Valley Park. The Open Space (behind the school and above Rafael Highlands) is managed by the Marin County Fire Department.
The south-by-southwest portion of the 5th Avenue border starts at Racquet Club Dr. and rides the ridgeline southeast toward K Street.
The northeast portion of our border meets Forbes Corridor Firewise Site.